How to Buy Abayas That Are a Perfect Fit for Your Style

Your clothing says a lot more about you than what you say to those around you. This is due to the fact that the clothing, shoes, and jewellery you choose for your wardrobe all make a unified statement about your personal sense of style. When it comes to purchasing an abaya online, the options are virtually limitless, ranging from simple dual tone Abayas to stylish and designer formal Abayas.

With so many options on the market, many women are left wondering if there is a simple way to choose Abaya dresses online that would suit their personal style and make them look as perfect as they desired.

Discover the following fashion tips tailored specifically for you:

Understand Your Personality

Previously, the majority of Muslim women were seen wearing a simple black abaya, but as time passes, modern Muslim women are adapting to the innovative fashion and Islamic clothing style trending in society. Most Muslimahs nowadays prefer to wear stylish and designer Abayas that are modestly crafted to express their individual style statement.

If you want to learn more about your personal style, simply look through your closet and notice which colours you are drawn to. Do you prefer neutral tones or brighter tones, do you prefer printed items or solids in your wardrobe, do you prefer silver or gold jewellery, and what is your favourite pair of shoes? Answering all of these questions can assist you in defining your style.

Take into Account Your Budget

How much money do you intend to spend on dresses, jewellery, and shoes? This is another important question to ask yourself before making a fashion statement. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money but still want the best Abaya dress from a famous designer, you’ll have to wait for a sale.

If money is a constraint for you, you must be a wise shopper. Try to shop during the first week of the sale period, when you can get the best deals.

Look for a variety of options and ask around

One of the biggest mistakes you’re making right now is sticking to a single pattern which should be stopped right away! Talk to your friends and family members who are also shopaholics. They can often give you good advice on where to shop for good clothes and accessories.

Aside from that, the internet is brimming with a plethora of ideas in every field. As a result, you can type what you want and see the options that are available to you. Go through the selection and make a list of your favourites; this will help you shop more effectively.

Finally,Making your own personal style statement is the best way to look distinctive and sophisticated. Make use of the aforementioned fashion tips to develop your personal style and ensure that you are the best. Buy the best abaya online to refresh your wardrobe and look stunning at an upcoming special event.

Muslim Clothing Online Store – Shopping for Islamic Dresses made easy

Looking perfect becomes her dream. Finding the right clothes to wear at the right time is a very difficult task. But with the option of online shopping, this task has become a little easier. They do not need to roam around the streets searching for what they want to wear. With just a click on the search tab of the online retailers of clothes, they can find the clothes of their choice easily. This is especially good for Islamic women. Not only do they get more choices to choose from, but also, they do not need to go out of their houses to buy them. Many Islamic women do not go out of their houses without being accompanied by the men of her family. So, while shopping online, they do not require the company of every person in their house. Also, the variety of Islamic clothing like hijab and abaya, provided online, is remarkable. Below are some added benefits of shopping online for Muslim clothing:

Availability of options:- These online retailers provide a variety of options for every single item of Muslim clothing. And within each product, various color options and size options are also given. This makes it easy for women to find the appropriate sizes. Retailers do not give such an option. Mostly, they just have single pieces of every size of all items, which get sold very soon. In such cases they many times do not restock. 

No more embarrassment:- For women of plus sizes, their journey remains very difficult with finding appropriate sizes and suitable Muslim clothing options. These problems are very easily solved by online retailers. Browsing through various options and sizes is what they can do now, conveniently. 

Take the help of the sizing chart:- With online Shopping for Islamic Dress, you no more need to worry whether the ordered product will for you or not. They provide size charts along with the size options. These size charts contain very appropriate measurements, which you can open and compare to your measurements to find the right size. If you follow this process, there are negligible chances that the product won’t fit you. 

Available for all ages:- Many times we have particular stores fixed, these are the shops where we shop from usually. Another fact is that these stores are different for different ages. Like for example, elderly clothes might be found in one store, while the store for kid’s clothes might be completely different. This makes it difficult to shop for the whole family together at one go. But, with online shopping, this is made possible. Now, clothes of all ages can be found on any online store, with the ease of placing an order. 

So, many people, especially Islamic women have started preferring online shopping over the option of retail shopping. Even abayas can be shopped online. 

Abaya Dress: Makes women look Modest and Stylish

Abaya dress is a women’s attire item worn by the ladies following the Islamic religion. Women use it to cover their body parts in public or at home, as guided by the holy book, Quran. Abayas are very famous in the entire world, and their demand is ever increasing. Abaya dresses are very comfortable for women to wear and come in various styles and patterns. Although, the most common abaya is black abaya. It is simple and can be worn by women of any age and size. Black abayas are worn by women who like simplicity and do not want to get into many details of the abaya. Although, the abayas are now available in multi colours with prints and embroidery of an enormous amount. Nowadays, women want the latest styles in their wardrobes. For this, they spend hours and hours searching for the trendy abayas in the markets. 

This problem is solved through online shopping. Now find all the latest and trendy abaya patterns at online stores. You do not need to spend hours anymore. You can now see what you want on online websites. Women now showcase their style and values using their clothing, such as abaya and hijab. This does not mean a lack of cultural beliefs in any way. Abaya dress sometimes is confused with kaftans in some parts of the world. But these are different in various respects. You can find varieties of both abayas and kaftans online, and by looking at the options, all your confusions will be cleared. Also, not much variation can be done to the length of the abaya but can be done to its design and fitting. Using a belt, the abaya dress can be made more stylish. For the winter season, high collared abayas are also available. 

Abayas are made with all kinds of fabrics include plain and basic like cotton, crepe, rayon and luxurious such as chiffon and silk. The ladies can class their look entirely and wear it to fancy dinner or brunch parties with embroidery and jewellery. Designers worldwide invest their time and effort to create more and new styles with these modest clothing items like hijabs, abayas, kaftans, etc. You can find their designs at online sites and look the most stylish by wearing the products you purchase online.

Abaya – The fashion choice for today’s women

Abaya, more commonly known as ‘aba,’ is a traditional Islamic clothing usually worn by Muslim women in the Middle East. It is a simple, loose, and elegant garment worn like a robe covering everything below the shoulders except for the woman’s hands and feet. With the daily change in fashion trends, abayas has become the style choice for women worldwide looking for something chic. It is readily available in markets both online and offline in numerous colors, cloth types, designs, necklines, etc., to satisfy the choices and needs of its customers. 

Muslim abaya vastly gains popularity with its intricate designs, stylish patterns, silver and gold embroidery, beads or sequin embellishments, and multi-colored crystal designs in the fashion world. Abaya dress is considered to be the epitome of elegance, elite, and class. Whether it’s an everyday casual day or a fancy party, an abaya is a perfect fit for all. Its availability in all types of cloth material and colors also allows its customers to find the best piece suitable for the changing seasons.

Denim is the hot choice in the market today, and denim abaya is your answer. It is a perfect blend of casual but not too simple. The enduring nature of the material, along with the rugged look, makes it a good choice for any day. Giving you a distinctive and unique look, the denim abayas ensures comfort at the highest level, along with making you look trendy, stylish, and chic. It reflects your personality as being bold and individualistic and combining the cultural and religious values of the outfit, abaya, in your look. It is the top fashion choice to deliver the message of freedom to the world. But it doesn’t end there. With modern abayas, you have an answer to all your worries. For example, if you’re looking for something light, sunny and comfortable, all you need to do is find a cotton abaya. Its high durability, lightweight material that can easily absorb sweat is the best outfit for a hot summer day. In addition, the open and unique design of the abaya makes it easy to wear and carry, thus making you feel relaxed and wholesome on a tiring, hot afternoon. 

Its easy availability and high demand also make it the most popular choice amongst women, thus making you the center of attention for all eyes. So, go on and find the modern abayas that are meant for you.

The Islamic wedding wear: an opportunity to find the abaya you always wanted

The wedding season is just around the corner and wedding fashion shows have already started taking place all around the world. These shows attract huge audiences around the world. The month of June in western and Middle Eastern countries is the most preferred time for weddings. Wedding abayas have become a staple in these shows and Muslim women love the variety being displayed. Also, they get some inspiration about what their wedding abaya would look like.

Wedding fairs in Middle Eastern countries such as Doha, Dubai, Qatar, etc. are attended by thousands and thousands of people. Those who are not getting married until the next two years also come here to get take ideas for their wedding. Wedding fairs are a good place for wedding planners, abaya designers, makeup artists, and photographers to showcase their work and grab business in loads. These fairs are kind of one-stop shops for a couple for all their wedding needs.

Today, there are many variations of the abayas, however, all of them still follow the guidelines. Big fashion brands, abaya online stores, and fashion designers have come up with their very own styles of abayas to satisfy the comfort and fashion desires of women which come in different colors, styles, designs, and fabrics of the abaya. Aside from the abaya, designers also display their takes on other Muslim clothing such as the hijab, burka, niqab, jilbabs, etc. The best part is that you can find beautiful designs at affordable prices. Some popular designers are come here to showcase their work. So if you like the premium stuff, you will find it here at the wedding fairs.

Most of the abaya designers belong to western and Middle Eastern countries. But this time around, there will be some renowned designers from India and European countries as well. This will be the first time for European designers and hence it will be interesting to see what they have in store for women.

These fairs are an opportunity for designers to reach out to potential customers. For the consumers, it provides them with a wide variety of choices from which they can compare and contrast different designs, styles, etc. which are usually unavailable elsewhere.

Top 5 Great Things about the Abaya Dress

Abayas, in general, are a loose-fitting garment that is used to cover the body except for the face, hands, and feet. The origin of the Abaya lies in the history of Islam and its religious texts. One of the related texts that highlight the need or origin of the Abayas is as follows: 

Mostly Abayas are black and loose-fitting to meet the purpose of covering up the female form. Over the years, however, the Abaya has evolved and changed into forms unique to the choices and personalities of the women who wear it. Although it is an item or modest clothing and restrictive to some extent, there are a large number of benefits or advantages of wearing an Abaya. Read on to know more about the benefits of wearing an abaya

Five reasons that women love about the Abaya: 

Even though the concept of the abayas is pretty restrictive and covers the entire body in a formless manner, Islamic and non-Islamic women in the Middle East and other places seem to love wearing it everywhere they go. Here’s why:-

The Abaya is an amazing item of clothing that is loose and formless. This is why it makes the hot summers bearable and women have the advantage of using light clothing or minimal clothing while having the modest cover of the Abayas. 

1. 86% of surveyed women responded that wearing the Abaya gives them unrestricted access to experiment and try out new styles without fearing lecherous or unwanted attention in public. 

2. You can wear the Abayas in a lot of different ways; it doesn’t need to be a monotonic and uniform black formless piece of clothing. You can wear it in the layered Moroccan style or decorate it with floral and classy designs that spice up the look of the Abaya without taking away the modesty or the purpose of the clothing. 

3. One of the most popular reasons quoted by surveyed Islamic women is that they can use the abayas to cover anything from unlaundered clothes to pajamas which give them an advantage over almost all situations.

4. The abayas also serve to protect their Islamic clothing style and keeps the identity and dignity of the women safe so that they can mix and venture into society freely. 

Often, people combine the abaya with a Shayla or hijab which can be black or stylized pieces of cloths used as headscarves. This gives it a personalized look and both Islamic and non-Islamic women have confessed their love for the ease and compatibility that it offers with their daily dressing styles. 

Finding the Suitable Abaya Dress Online

Around the globe, we see that even the people of the same religions used different words or phrases for the clothing items and the styles in which they are worn. A single item may be termed as something in one nation and something else in the other. Also in earlier times, the people living in non-Islamic nations had only two options of buying Islamic clothing. Either go to Islamic countries and buy products or stitch the cloth themselves. But both of these ways were very inconvenient. So, a majority of the population felt relieved when Islamic clothing started being sold online. The traditional clothing items of the Muslim community, that is the hijab and abaya can also be purchased online through online stores. Both, the wholesalers and the retailers sell these products online. Since some are sold directly by the manufacturer; there is not much of a quality issue. 

Every Islamic woman has her way of covering her body. Whether it be using a plain black abaya or an abaya of bright color. It can be using hijab as well and others might choose not to follow the tradition at all. Well, for the women following the tradition, all kinds of options are made available to them on the online stores. Varieties of colors for all pieces, different kinds of work that is, embroidery, print or threadwork; even products with embellishments; all variety is provided on online stores. Women use abaya to cover their body parts, and this purpose is fulfilled no matter what design of abaya she chooses to wear. This option of online shopping has come in handy for women who do not prefer leaving their house much. The reason may be due to restrictions or due to their own choice, but it made it difficult for them to buy new clothes. Now, by ordering clothes online they do not need to go out and the products get delivered to their house. Options of clothing for both men and women are provided on websites or online stores. So shopping for the whole family can be done easily there. In fact, on bulk orders, the buyer can even avail of some discount offers, getting them a reasonable price for the products. 

People of non-muslim nations can also do the shopping for Islamic clothing online. With the help of the latest technology, products can be delivered across nations as well. The retailers of Islamic clothing can order in bulk from the online wholesale manufacturers and get a very good rate for the products, it saves him cost for setting up the shop. These online stores are well versed in Islamic traditions and thus the details of the clothing items can be trusted. Islamic wedding dresses are also found online, with details as mentioned in the Holy book Quran and as followed in the Islamic tradition. You no more have to stand in line at the stores because of these online portals.

Abaya Dress – The Perfect Fabric for your Style

The most simple, eloquent, elite, and classy piece of Islamic clothing that can be found in women’s wardrobes these days is an Abaya. Abaya is traditionally a garment designed for Muslim women that are a loose, robe-like dress similar to a cloak but, it is no more constrained to just Muslim women, it has become staple clothing for every fashion enthusiastic women. Its simple and evergreen design makes it a perfect and comfortable outfit for every occasion. It is also available in various types of styles, designs, cuts, colors, and fabrics thus, providing all its customers with a wide range of choices. Its dynamic design and simple style ensure its availability in various kinds of fabrics assuring a different yet elegant look suitable for various occasions and weather. 

Crepe is a fabric made by silk, wool, or synthetic fiber and is popularly adored for the crisp and clean look that it gives. Abayas are mostly designed in this fabric due to the natural fall in various qualities of the cloth. The thick or heavy crepe is the go-to fabric for attire suitable for the cold weather whereas the light and thin crepe is a perfect fit for summer attire. It is a convenient, easy-to-carry fabric that doesn’t require regular ironing. Different types of crepes can be used to exemplify the outlook of the attire including the Maliki crepe, which is a wrinkle-free cloth with a natural fall perfect for party-like occasions, and the Bahraini Internet crepe, which is smooth and light and suitable for all seasons. Other popular crepes include the Mustaqbal crepe that is heavy and air can easily pass through it and the Maypole crepe, which is a perfect fit for daily wear due to its medium weight.

One of the most demanded, natural, and common fabrics all around the globe is cotton. The material is most suitable for hot weather i.e. summers. Its smooth texture makes it very comfortable and easy to carry but, it gets wrinkled very easily so it requires regular ironing. Like cotton, various other fabrics are more suitable for hot summer conditions including linen, rayon, viscose, koshibo, and peach skin. Abayas made of these materials are lightweight, smooth, and soft thus ensuring a high comfort level to all its customers. Air can easily pass through them thus, relaxing the people in hot weather. Satin Abayas and silk abayas do give a classy look but they should be avoided in hot climatic conditions. 

The fabric of attire is a very important factor while deciding attire. It ensures its quality, durability, and comfort level. An evergreen fabric for this evergreen attire is Koshibo. This fabric due to its medium weight is ideal for all seasons and thus can be easily worn all year round. The consumers are not limited to climatic conditions while choosing their attire with a Koshibo Abaya in their wardrobe.

Different Abaya Dress Styles to Flaunt for Women

Abaya Dress name always comes up whenever there is a talk about modest clothing for women. Abaya is an outfit that is worn by women especially Muslim women. Listed below are a few trendiest designs of the abayas which can make you look like a diva:-

Dubai Style Abayas:- It is the classiest style of the abayas which exhibits every bit of tradition and contemporary style. With funky extra-large sleeves, sophisticated stitches, intricate embroideries they provide an enticing look to the appearance. The beauty of the loose-flowing fabric adds all the more allure to it. For every woman who wants to add a little oomph in her normal abaya look, this will be the best choice.

Kaftan Abayas:- These abaya dresses are a blend of the beautiful Kaftan dress and an abaya. They come with appealing designs and patterns embroidered on different parts of the abaya. Some also come embellished with precious stones and beads. They come in a double shirt style which can be worn like a normal abaya with a hijab on the head. They can be worn in casual meetups as well as for parties and gatherings.

Lacy Abayas:- Lace abaya is the trendiest styles of abayas. They come in vibrant colors with appealing laces on the sleeves and bottom hem. You can wear them at weddings and parties to look hot yet maintaining every bit of modesty in your style. 

Denim Abayas:- We all are a fan of denim. The popularity of the fabric has helped it in paving its way to the abaya dressing as well. Denim Abayas is the newest design which is front open with huge buttons. You can step out for your casual meetups with friends wearing a denim abaya and looking hot and trendy.

Abaya Cardi:– These abaya dresses come in the form of Cardigans which are a must to spice up your winter fashion. You can wear them above your normal outfit like a long jacket with a rope fastened around the waist.

While choosing an abaya dress, always pay detailed attention to the fabric which suits your occasions. Some abayas come in the form of a double-short style which can be worn like a hijab. Otherwise, you can pick a beautiful hijab to complement your abaya. Many variants of Abaya dresses are available in different online stores at affordable rates. Many offline stores and boutiques also maintain a good collection of Islamic clothing. You can purchase the desired style and wear it with all grit and grace.

Abaya – The Essence of Islamic Clothing for Women

An Abaya is a graceful piece of modest Islamic clothing that owes its origin to the Islamic religion. Women in Islamic countries use to wear it as a part of their tradition. It is one of the most modest pieces of clothing for women and hence, it is an inevitable part of the Islamic tradition. But with time it has marked its presence in women’s fashion in different regions across the globe. Abayas are available in different designs, patterns, and sizes. The best part about Abayas is that they are suited for wearing on every kind of occasion. They are also becoming a favorite pick for film personalities and celebrities for various events.

Choosing the right Abaya is very crucial to look your best. But sometimes, it could be a very daunting task especially for those who do not have much idea about this garment. Listed below are a few beautiful designs of Abayas you can choose from, which will make you look stylish in no time:

Closed Abayas: This is the simplest kind of Abayas, which covers the whole body. It does not have any buttons or chains and can be easily worn through the bottom. It may or may not come with an attached Hijab. 

Open Button Abayas: This type of Abayas opens from the front with the help of buttons. They are more flexible and comfortable to wear than closed Abayas. The buttons can be closed till the bottom or halfway with a matching pair of trousers. They are a great pick for every kind of occasion ranging from office wears to traditional events.

Two-piece Abayas: The two-piece Abayas is a fresh design that is fondly worn by women these days. It is attached to an inner outfit. You can ear it with closed buttons when you want a traditional look or with open buttons like an Abaya Cardi to gain that cool chic look.

Abaya Cardi: Abaya Cardis are more like jackets. They come with a robe to tie it to the body. They can be worn above kurtas or other outfits. Abaya Cardis is the modern form of Abayas that come in different bold colors and designs. They look trendy and stylish and are super comfy to wear.

Abayas are a perfect blend of modesty and elegance. When we talk about Islamic clothing for women, Abayas are hard to miss. They are available in great varieties in many clothing stores, especially on e-portals. The most sought-after fabrics are polyester, poly-crepe, Lexus, Nidha, silk, and cotton. One should also keep in mind the fitting of the Abaya before purchasing. A too loose or a too-tight Abaya could have high chances of resulting in a fashion blunder. Hence, choose your Abaya wisely.